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Cooke, Thomas N. (2019). What's That Noise? Cases Against Privacy as Control. Under review.


Cooke, Thomas N. (2019). Metadata, Jailbreaking, and the Cybernetic Governmentality of iOS: Or, the Need to Distinguish Digital Privacy from digital privacy. Surveillance & Society. Accepted for publication.


Muller, Benjamin J., Cooke, Thomas N., et al. (2016). Collective Discussion: Ferocious Architecture: Sovereign Spaces/Places by Design. International Political Sociology 10(1): pp. 75-96. Print.



Cooke, Thomas N. and Sophia Dingli (2018). Political Silence: Meanings, Functions, and Ambiguity. Cambridge, UK: Routledge Press. Print.


Cooke, Thomas N. (2019). "Security, Circulation, and Noise in Pearson International Airport" in Benjamin Muller and Can Multu (Eds.) Architectures of Security: Design, Control, Mobility. London, UK: Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group. Single author. Accepted for publication.


Cooke, Thomas N. (2019). "Digital Privacy" in Michael Filimowicz and Veronika Tzankova (Eds.) Reimagining Communication: Mediation. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. Solo author. Accepted for publication.


Cooke, Thomas N. (2016). "HTTP Cookies." The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security and Privacy. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. Single author. Print. 


Cooke, Thomas N. (2016). "Privacy (Types Of)." The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security and Privacy. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. Single author. Print.


Cooke, Thomas N. (2016). "Data-Double." The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security and Privacy. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. Single author. Print.


Cooke, Thomas N. and Adam Kingsmith. (2016). "Subjectivity." The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security and Privacy. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. 50/50 co-authored. Print. 


Cooke, Thomas N. (2013). "Cookies" in Mark Salter (Ed.) Making Things International II: Catalysts and Reactions. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.  Single author. Print.


"Book Review: Arne Hintz, Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, and Lina Dencik. Digital Citizenship in a Datafied Society." Surveillance & Society. Accepted for publication.


"Book Review: Eyal Weizman. Forensic Architecture: Violence at the Threshold of Detectability”. Surveillance & Society. Single author. Accepted for publication.


"Book Review: Berman, E., Felter, J. H., and J. N. Shapiro. Small Wars, Big Data: The Information Revolution in Modern Conflict”. European Review of International Studies. Single author. Accepted for publication.


"Book Review: Rasmussen, Claire E. The Autonomous Animal: Self-Governance and the Modern Subject." Somatechnics, Volume 3, 216-219. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Single author. Print.

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